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The Laser preteam is a practice group designed to introduce young swimmers to competitive swimming. Preteam is not designed to serve as swim lessons, but to assist swimmers in improving their current skills.

Preteam swimmers MUST be able to push themselves off the wall or the bottom of the pool unassisted for 5 meters in order to join the beginning group, and 15 meters for the advanced group. 

Laser preteam swimmers should be five (5) years or older by June 1st. Swimmers who are not yet 5 but will start kindergarten in the fall who meet those requirements can be considered. 

The team will offer an evaluation before the pre-team practices start, and evaluations will also take place the first week of pre-team practice. 

If a family registers a swimmer for pre-team and they do not meet the requirements, the team will issue a refund through the first week of practice. 

Preteam practices begin when MCPS schools are out for the summer.  Here is the schedule for the 2024 season.  

There is no practice on 6/19 Juneteenth and 7/4 Fourth of July due to the federal holidays.  Also, there is no PM practice when we have B meets on 6/27, 7/3, 7/10, and 7/18 and when we host B relays on 7/11.

Pre-Team (6/17 - 7/19)

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM  All preteamers signed up for morning practice
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Advanced preteamers signed up for afternoon practice
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM Beginning preteamers signed up for afternoon practice 

During our morning practices and on days when the pool is closed to the public, swimmers and families enter through the gate. Please make sure the gate is closed behind you. Due to insurance restrictions, family members must remain near the pavilion. Only swimmers and coaches are allowed in other areas of the pool.

PM practices are sometimes canceled due to inclement weather. Please download the Rainout Line App and search for Montgomery Village Foundation to see the status of Lake Marion. We hold practice if the pool is open. As always, if you have concerns about the air or water temperature, or the weather forecast, do what is best for your swimmer.

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